Locksmith copied to clipboard
Not being able to retrieve values
Just updated to the 2.0 version and now I'm unable to retrieve any values. Am I missing something?
I'm Using Xcode 8, and swift 3. Deployment target iOS 10.0
Locksmith.saveData(data: ["some_key": "some_value"], forUserAccount: "user_account")
Locksmith.loadDataForUserAccount(userAccount: "user_account") => nil
I got the same result. I'm also on an updated Xcode 8; deployment target iOS 10.0; using:
$ swift --version
Apple Swift version 3.0 (swiftlang-800.0.46.2 clang-800.0.38)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9
I've put Locksmith.saveData(data:forUserAccount:)
in viewDidLoad()
. And then I'm getting nil
when attempting Locksmith.loadDataForUserAccount(userAccount:)
in a button clicked action.
Ah, found my solution here: Issue #146 Which points to: http://stackoverflow.com/a/38543243/2684355 Needed to enable Keychain Sharing in Targets > Capabilities.
Not sure if this will also work for @nunogoncalves?
This workaround also worked for me, which is enough to unblock my work using this library, but I think it is still a bug in Locksmith. Will submit a PR if I end up fixing it myself, probably something lost in translation when migrating to Swift 3. Had some problems myself related to the distinction between NSDictionary, Dictionary<String,AnyObject!> and Dictionary<String,AnyObject>; which caused code paths to fail in unexpected ways.
The documentation README also needs updating for Swift 3 method call syntax, and when used as in the initial bug report in a simple fresh project reproduces the bug. When using updateData rather than saveData, a LocksmithError.undefined is thrown.
Hope this additional information helps!
@mtso yes that worked. Thanks. :)
I had this same issue and @mtso's suggestion fixes it. Spent a long while checking my code to make sure it wasn't an issue from the conversion to Swift 3 that I just did. If it is an intentional requirement or not, at the least it should result in an error so it's known what is wrong.