Locksmith copied to clipboard
Cannot Update - Swift 3 branch
static let AuthTokenLocation = "ALSAuthToken"
static let key_Token = "token"
static let key_Expiration = "expires"
static func saveAuthToken(_ authToken: AuthToken) {
do {
try Locksmith.updateData(data: [key_Token: authToken.token, key_Expiration: authToken.expiration], forUserAccount: AuthTokenLocation)
} catch {
print ("Could not save auth token:\(error)")
A Locksmith error is throwing when I call updateData. Error is returning as undefined. token is a String expiration is a Date
same problem here..
do {
try Locksmith.updateData(data: ["password":password.text!], forUserAccount: loginName.text!, inService: tkcService)
} catch {
inside of Locksmith.swift
at static public fun Locksmith.updateData(...)
on statement
let request = UpdateRequest(service: service, account: userAccount, data: data)
get debug error:
Printing description of request:
expression produced error: error: /var/folders/vl/g9k6m7y17q1_bvmsgfjxv6dr0000gn/T/./lldb/97468/expr37.swift:1:75: error: 'UpdateRequest' is not a member type of '$__lldb_context' (aka 'Locksmith')
Swift._DebuggerSupport.stringForPrintObject(Swift.UnsafePointer<Locksmith.UpdateRequest>(bitPattern: 0x1168c4510)!.pointee)
~~~~~~~~~ ^
The error is that the entitlement is missing. See #31 and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20344255/secitemadd-and-secitemcopymatching-returns-error-code-34018-errsecmissingentit.
Not sure why this is happening in the new code base. Perhaps an Xcode 8 issue.
Found some more info:
The above fix to add the Keychain Sharing Capability to the app fixed the issue. Thanks! (Probably needs to be added to the setup ReadMe.md)
I am using Locksmith from a framework. Is there any way to add credentials to the test host app for unit testing?
On the other hand, I can confirm that adding credentials per above to the app that used the framework worked perfectly.
@phatmann Have you find a way to use Locksmith from a framework? I'm currently facing the same issue.
@Nonouf, I changed my framework unit tests to use my app as the test host. Since the app has an Entitlements file, keychain access works properly.
So, no, I did not solve the issue, but at least I found a workaround. Perhaps you can do the same.
@phatmann Thanks for the tips.
I confirm for people using a framework that adding a app target to your framework, which will host your test, works well! Don't forget to select the host application of your tests target.