Locksmith copied to clipboard
A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
Changed "make" to "made" for clarity when reading the phrase.
This project is still in Swift 3, and all attempts to provide updates have been blocked. Check out this link for an active replacement https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess
Fix ios version warning
We keep receiving crashing from our users with the error `Locksmith.LocksmithError.interactionNotAllowed`. Unfortunately we can't replicate in our tests. The code only performs simple task: ``` func updateUserAccessToken(forAccount account: String, token:...
I am trying to access a users password from a widget on a locked iPhone. How do I enable `kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock` with Locksmith?
* Bumped minimum deployment target for OSX to 10.11 since `NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: data)` is only #available on iOS 10.11 or higher. * Updated .travis.yml file for Xcode 10.2 * Fixes https://github.com/matthewpalmer/Locksmith/issues/207
Hi, I upadated my Mac os to 10.13.6 and updated my Xcode to 10.1. After that when I tried to build Xcode gave error "Module Locksmith compiled with swift 4.0.3...