Took a while to debug why hypermapper suddenly started giving bad results after not touching Spatial for a long time. It turned out the system switched from java 8 to...
For example, can we do something like: ``` def innerProdMatMult(tileA: SRAM2[T], tileB: SRAM2[T], tileC: SRAM2[T]): Void = { Foreach(...){...} // fill tileC using inner products } def outerProdMatMult(tileA: SRAM2[T], tileB:...
Instead of (1,2,4,8,16), there should be syntax like (1 -> x2 -> 16)
This is a reminder to check if banking works when you have two accesses separated in the schedule. It should be smart enough to account for the iterator offset due...
For example, someone may do ``` Foreach(8 by 1){ i => .. = mem(16 | i) .. = mem(16 | (i + 1)) ``` Right now, the compiler would either...
Apparently it doesn't crash today. DRAMAccel is ok (DRAM1/2/3/4/5.apply) but DRAMHost (DRAM.apply) is not.
Haven't thoroughly looked into this yet, but this seems to give the "used removed sym" error: ``` val a = if ((j & 1) == 0) M0(2 * k0 +...
Seems like previous work on hls already has this in some limited form. Why can't we also have nice things?
We can do much better on timing and resource utilization if we make the datapath for a controller like this 3 bits instead of the full 32. ``` // N...