migrate copied to clipboard
First migration issue cockroachdb
I'm having trouble running my first migration against a local cockroachdb instance. I created the initial migration. I ran it and I get the following error:
migrate -database postgresql://[email protected]:26257/main?sslmode=disable -path migrations up error: pq: relation "schema_migrations" does not exist in line 0: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version, dirty) VALUES ($1, $2)
The table exists in the main
root@:26257/main> show columns from schema_migrations;
| Field | Type | Null | Default | Indices |
| version | INT | false | NULL | {"primary"} |
| dirty | BOOL | false | NULL | {} |
(2 rows)
root@:26257/main> SELECT * FROM schema_migrations;
| version | dirty |
(0 rows)
Not sure why this isn't working. I installed using go get.
Thanks for this tool and any help you can provide!
I ran into the same issue as well. On ubuntu 18.01, go 1.10.1. Installed the cli using the go get command
I can repro this inside the cockroach sql shell with:
TRUNCATE schema_migrations;
INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version, dirty) VALUES (1, true);