migrate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
migrate copied to clipboard

goto will continuously apply/rollback given migration

Open awfm9 opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

When using the goto v syntax, each time there will be an action, either applying or rolling back the migration version in question. There should be clearly defined semantics (the version should probably be defined as the state after applying the up part of the migration) and issuing the same command twice should not change anything.

awfm9 avatar Apr 10 '17 07:04 awfm9

Is this version 1 or 3?

mattes avatar Apr 10 '17 18:04 mattes

It's version 1. Why did you go from version 1 to 3 by the way?

awfm9 avatar Apr 10 '17 21:04 awfm9

Can you check out version 3 and see if it works for you?

There was a version 2 internally used here. It was never released. Looking back that was a mistake, since it created so much confusion.

mattes avatar Apr 10 '17 21:04 mattes