Mask_RCNN copied to clipboard
Custom training using different sizes of images in dataset
Hi I am doing a custom training of Mask RCNN with my dataset of different sizes and resolution of images. I have already done annotating using VGG annotating tool. I started training but Index errors appear while training:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/mrcnn/", line 1870, in data_generator use_mini_mask=config.USE_MINI_MASK) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/mrcnn/", line 1385, in load_image_gt mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id) File "", line 316, in load_mask mask[rr, cc, i] = 1 IndexError: index 402 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 402 ERROR:root:Error processing image {'id': '00401.jpg', 'source': 'object', 'path': 'Dataset/val/00401.jpg', 'width': 224, 'height': 224, 'polygons': [{'name': 'polygon', 'all_points_x': [5, 29, 43, 57, 63, 71, 71, 63, 61, 8, 6], 'all_points_y': [246, 250, 250, 249, 243, 243, 246, 253, 255, 255, 253]}, {'name': 'polygon', 'all_points_x': [97, 90, 105, 106, 116, 113, 106, 104, 108, 94, 86, 77, 72, 62, 57, 51, 38, 31, 12, 24, 41, 54, 73, 67, 88, 99, 84, 71, 83], 'all_points_y': [3, 18, 39, 45, 57, 78, 94, 127, 134, 142, 155, 169, 173, 195, 211, 218, 222, 223, 223, 212, 206, 174, 156, 148, 128, 63, 45, 18, 0]}], 'num_ids': [1, 1]} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/mrcnn/", line 1870, in data_generator use_mini_mask=config.USE_MINI_MASK) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/mrcnn/", line 1385, in load_image_gt mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id) File "", line 316, in load_mask mask[rr, cc, i] = 1 IndexError: index 243 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 224
and so on..
This is my code `
def load_coco(self, dataset_dir, subset):
#, year=DEFAULT_DATASET_YEAR, class_ids=None
#class_map=None, return_coco=False, auto_download=False):
"""Load a subset of the COCO dataset.
dataset_dir: The root directory of the COCO dataset.
subset: What to load (train, val, minival, valminusminival)
year: What dataset year to load (2014, 2017) as a string, not an integer
class_ids: If provided, only loads images that have the given classes.
class_map: TODO: Not implemented yet. Supports maping classes from
different datasets to the same class ID.
return_coco: If True, returns the COCO object.
auto_download: Automatically download and unzip MS-COCO images and annotations
# if auto_download is True:
# self.auto_download(dataset_dir, subset, year)
self.add_class("object", 1, "crack")
assert subset in ["train", "val"]
dataset_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, subset)
if subset == "train":
annotations = json.load(open(os.path.join("/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/Dataset/train", "train_json.json")))
elif subset == "val":
annotations = json.load(open(os.path.join("/content/drive/MyDrive/Train_Crack_June19/Dataset/val", "val_json.json")))
annotations = list(annotations.values())
annotations = [a for a in annotations if a['regions']]
for a in annotations:
# print(a)
# Get the x, y coordinaets of points of the polygons that make up
# the outline of each object instance. There are stores in the
# shape_attributes (see json format above)
polygons = [r['shape_attributes'] for r in a['regions']]
objects = [s['region_attributes']['crack'] for s in a['regions']]
name_dict = {"crack": 1}
# key = tuple(name_dict)
num_ids = [name_dict[a] for a in objects]
# num_ids = [int(n['Event']) for n in objects]
# load_mask() needs the image size to convert polygons to masks.
# Unfortunately, VIA doesn't include it in JSON, so we must read
# the image. This is only managable since the dataset is tiny.
image_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, a['filename'])
image =
height, width = image.shape[:2]
"object", ## for a single class just add the name here
image_id=a['filename'], # use file name as a unique image id
width=width, height=height,
def load_mask(self, image_id):
"""Generate instance masks for an image.
masks: A bool array of shape [height, width, instance count] with
one mask per instance.
class_ids: a 1D array of class IDs of the instance masks.
# If not a Dog-Cat dataset image, delegate to parent class.
image_info = self.image_info[image_id]
if image_info["source"] != "object":
return super(self.__class__, self).load_mask(image_id)
# Convert polygons to a bitmap mask of shape
# [height, width, instance_count]
info = self.image_info[image_id]
if info["source"] != "object":
return super(self.__class__, self).load_mask(image_id)
num_ids = info['num_ids']
mask = np.zeros([info["height"], info["width"], len(info["polygons"])],
for i, p in enumerate(info["polygons"]):
# Get indexes of pixels inside the polygon and set them to 1
rr, cc = skimage.draw.polygon(p['all_points_y'], p['all_points_x'])
mask[rr, cc, i] = 1
# Return mask, and array of class IDs of each instance. Since we have
# one class ID only, we return an array of 1s
# Map class names to class IDs.
num_ids = np.array(num_ids, dtype=np.int32)
return mask, num_ids #np.ones([mask.shape[-1]], dtype=np.int32)`
does training with different sized images causes it?
I saw this answer but all it did was modify the "mask[rr,cc,i] = 1". I reviewed my annotations but it doesn't have any overlapping vertex.
If I will modify the "mask[rr,cc,i] = 1" will this affect my training accuracy? Hoping for answers. Thanks.
@MatchaCookies How big are your images? Images cannot be too large.