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Feature Request: Single page / wiki / note / folder without board

Open grsky360 opened this issue 3 years ago • 13 comments

Summary: Will FocalBoard add single note / folder support, and the Board just like a page type ? Just like Notion.

How important this is to me and why:

Importance: Medium

Additional context / similar features: Notion

grsky360 avatar Mar 22 '21 03:03 grsky360

Thanks for the input @grsky360! Are there particular use-cases or types of things you would want to put on those notes? Does markdown give you most of what you need, or are there other specific content you would like to see? Thanks.

chenilim avatar Mar 22 '21 22:03 chenilim

@chenilim Thanks for reply. I only think single note will be more simple and clearly to find, read and create.

grsky360 avatar Mar 24 '21 14:03 grsky360

I second this. For me at least it would be nice to handle embedding of files in some way, mainly images and PDFs.

It would also be useful being able to embed other content, e.g. using iframes.

mblennegard avatar Apr 26 '21 13:04 mblennegard

Such pages would be really useful for high-level briefs and team documentation. Markdown-like is fine but it would be great to have links between pages and cards as a first-class citizen. Having backlinks for instance would make things very useful.

Inspiration for this may be found at:

  • (Notion of course)
  • -> the approach and plain Markdown files may be an inspiration

real34 avatar May 07 '21 08:05 real34

Personally, rather than the markdown approach, I feel like contentEditable HTML fields, like those found with Notion, would be the best option to provide a valuable Notion replacement for most FOSS loving people.

The video below is from my previously started Tailwind + Beautiful React DND project, this concept would fit great within Focalboard. Unless the project is focused strictly on the Kanban-style of project management...

oliverbutler avatar May 12 '21 09:05 oliverbutler

@oliverbutler That looks awesome!

Though, for me personally, I worry about the lock-in, if one were to export everything at a later time.

mblennegard avatar May 12 '21 09:05 mblennegard

@oliverbutler That looks awesome!

Though, for me personally, I worry about the lock-in, if one were to export everything at a later time.

What if we allowed exporting to MD regardless? Everything we store in this sort of format could easily be exported out as MD (for instance, with the additional choice of MD blocks if wanted by the user, could provide the best of both worlds.

Also, if that isn't the direction the project is going to be steered in that's quite okay, I was going to work on that aspect of my own project regardless (more of the note-taking side of things), as a strict FOSS Notion-type project.

oliverbutler avatar May 12 '21 09:05 oliverbutler

Am i allowed to ask, what the state of this Issue is?

Because i am in need of atleast an Basic Wiki Page for a Projekt.

Would help to develop, if an Decission how to Implement it is made.

Genei180 avatar Nov 12 '21 10:11 Genei180


will this feature be implemented in focalboard??? or not??

carnevlu avatar Oct 07 '22 10:10 carnevlu

Adding support for both a page where markdown is supported that lets you embed boards would be super useful.

Its would be quite nice create information and context around the individual boards.

statixVFX avatar Oct 28 '22 19:10 statixVFX

Actually, if we just add the markdown feature and see the board views on the page, - For this, the block feature needs to be added. - it will be the same as notion. Maybe if siyuan-note brings this feature, you can use it. Whichever comes first..

Cyber-Syntax avatar Feb 16 '23 17:02 Cyber-Syntax

Something like a wiki plugin, with markup would be ideal... would solve whole bunch of my problems :D

arhi avatar Nov 01 '23 21:11 arhi

Hello, are there any updates on this?

ddomdel avatar Jan 16 '24 14:01 ddomdel