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Remove one region to make navigation for blind users mor efficient, make audio notifications work always and everywhere ;-)
I am a blind user of Mattermost and I am working with Linux and the Orca screen reader. I was using Mattermost with the messaging software Pidgin and the purple plugin for Mattermost, because my first steps with the Mattermost desktop app or with the browser version were not that satisfactorily. To be honest navigating the different regions and doing simple tasks like selecting a channel, searching a user and so on are far less effizient then using Pidgin with the purple plugin. This is very sad, because I'd really like to use Mattermost via the Desktop app or in the browser. Pidgin and the purple plugin has its limitations and some Mattermost features are just not implemented and can not be used with this setup.
So today I gave the newest desktop app version 5.2.2-rc2 another try to see if things have improved. Also I invested more time to understand how things are working with my screen reading software.
The first impression is that efficiency is still a problem IMHO. Switching throug all regions with F6 or shift F6 is much slower then switching windows with Alt + Tab or Strg + Tab in a native application for example. Also picking the right channel and searching for users to write direct messages took me some time to understand because it was not very intuitive :-(. On the other hand understand how the app behaves might get better if I use the app more ofthen...
But there are some more basic problems that need to be resolved first IMHO that would help me a lot using the app:
- I still see unlabeled buttons and grafics inside the app and the browser version of our Mattermost installation, currently version Mattermost enterprise edition 7.5. I do not know if those buttons do come from a installed module or are located in the default app, however such things should be fixed.
- I've configured desktop notifications to get an acoustical signal for new messages. Unfortunatly this signal is not played every time. For example if I have focused a channel and new messages arive, no signal is played. Also if I am not in the app and do works outside the app I see new unread messages when returning into the app, but no signal was played. Having propper acoustical signals for new messages always and everywhere is esential IMHO for blind users, at least if they have been activated and are wanted.
- When navigating through the regions with F6 an empty region is read by my screen reader. My software is telling me something like "login successfull complementary input region". Wht is this region and can it be dimmed or is it necessary to be also read out when cycling through the regions?
In conclusion the Mattermost desktop app is accessible, yes, but working with the app is not that efficent like working with some other native messaging apps, e.g. pidgin. This is not related to Mattermost itself, its related to browserbased or electron apps, they are always not that easy to use and not that efficient, no matter which screen reader is used and on which operating system this apps are executed. However, if the basic things are working, e.g. that acoustical signals are played everywhen and everywhere, and if searching for users and channels could be made more easy, I'd use the app.
How can I help to improve the app and make things more accessible? Is it OK to open issues on github or are there persons who are working for Mattermost who can be contacted for accessibility related issues? Cheers and thanks,
Hi @sonor3000,
I'm Laney, Senior Product Manager for the Suite Users Team here at Mattermost. Our team has been working hard on accessibility and screen reader improvements recently. We appreciate the feedback you've provided.
If you're available and open to it, we're also conducting a usability study to learn more about how to make the user experience friendly for people with a diverse range of abilities. We're trying to make Mattermost the best it can be, so your honest thoughts and experience would be valuable to us in carrying out these sessions.
What will I be doing in a usability study? We'll start the session by asking a few questions about you, your background, and your experience with Mattermost. Then we'll ask you to share your screen and complete a series of tasks using a testing environment. Finally, we'll gather general feedback about your experience once the study has been completed.
How long is a session? One hour
When and where does the study take place?
To participate, please sign up for a time slot using the calendar link below:
Click here to Signup for the Accessibility Usability Testing
If you prefer, you can also forward me some times and dates that work for you, along with your email address, and I can send you a calendar invite.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]. We appreciate your time and look forward to learning from you.
Suite Users Team @ Mattermost
Hi @laneycs
thank you very much for your reply and sorry for the late followup. There was less time during the last weeks and I wanted also to use the Mattermost app a bit more to get more expirienced with it and to see if the problems I have are related to the app, my setup or just because the app is new to me.
If you're available and open to it, we're also conducting a usability study to learn more about how to make the user experience friendly for people with a diverse range of abilities. We're trying to make Mattermost the best it can be, so your honest thoughts and experience would be valuable to us in carrying out these sessions.
Yes, we can make such a session in January after holiday. I'll get back to you and we will find a good time slot.
Now, after working a bit more with the current stable release of the Mattermost app, some things are more clear to me. I am able to navigate the different regions, write to channels, search and select users for direct messages and so on. Allthough I still think this is not that efficient then using a native chat app like Pidgin on Linux I am able to do the things I need to do with the app.
Unfortunately for one big thing I've still found no solution, and this is indeed a showstopper for me: The sound / desktop notification for new messages is not always played. That means I am not aware if new messages arive when I have not focused the app or when I am using other programs or working in the textbased console, which is the case most of the time. The problem might be related to my Linux setup where I am working in the pure textterminal most of the time and just using the graphical environment only if necessary, e.g. if I want to use the Mattermost app, but on the other hand Pidgin is playing sound notification perfectly no matter if I am using the terminal, the pure real textbased console or a graphical program.
Maybe I have to use the Mattermost app e.g. on Windows or Mac to see if the problem with the sound notifications is also a problem on other operating systems or if it is really releated to my very uncommon Linux setup.
Cheers and have a nice holidy time!