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FranklinPay-iOS copied to clipboard

Secure Dollar Wallet

The Matter Plasma Implementation

ContractTX & Block RLPAPIJS LibSwift LibBlock ExplorerWeb AppiOS App

Franklin Pay - Secure Dollar Wallet

Freedom is essential. Privacy Matter!

What is it?

  • Easy and secure way to send money through Matter Plasma
  • Universal way to send tokens throught Ethereum blockchain
  • Easy way to sign transaction from any apps:
    • mobile
    • web
    • dApps
  • Single and secure place to store your private key

So, let's go deeper into those statements:


  • Complete support the Matter Plasma to send money secure, easy and fast
  • Let you be free from hard-bonded solution like (Laptop + Chrome + MetaMask + Private key) binding.
  • No private key sharing needed! Store it at one place, sign anywhere!
  • Full support of EIP-681 (URI scheme) Even more:
  • Sign transactions and call arbitrary contract's methods via deep links


The solution that we BUIDL:

  • Mainly this is the best way to use the Matter plasma to make payments
  • Also it is the single keystore that accessible from any other applications via deep links and QR codes. It is the most advanced regarding security, and also quite user-friendly


We are using Swiftlit along with Travis in our project, so you should better have swiftlint installed locally on your machine before contributing. Don't be afraid, it's really simple to install. Just run brew install swiftlint. If you don't have homebrew installed - run ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" firstly.

In order to manually run autocorrection, print swiftlint autocorrect in the project folder via terminal. However, every time you build the project this command will be called automatically.

Usage of the deeplinks

Examples of EIP681 links:

  • If you want to specify gasPrice, gasLimit just add it to the end of the link:

Here pay is just a method on smart contract with the given address and @4 specifies network id(which is Rinkeby in that case). uint256=1000000 is a parameter for the given method, uint256 is a type of the parameter and 1000000 is a value of that parameter. value=1000 is amount in Wei to send to smart contract. 1 ETH = 10^18 Wei.

in swift app:

//following by EIP-681:
let urlString = "ethereum:0xaaf3A96b8f5E663Fc47bCc19f14e10A3FD9c414B/pay?uint256=100000&value=1000" urlString)!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

We have done it in PR: Peepeth client PR

Web app:

Pull request, that contains helper functions to work with ethereum links according to eip-681

Smart contract interaction:

Smart contract itself:

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract Shop {
    mapping(uint256 => bool) invoices;
    event InvoicePayed(uint256 invoice);

    function pay(uint256 _invoice) public payable {
        require (!invoices[_invoice] && msg.value > 0);
        invoices[_invoice] = true;
        emit InvoicePayed(_invoice);

String to encode into QR: "ethereum:0xaaf3A96b8f5E663Fc47bCc19f14e10A3FD9c414B/pay?uint256=100000&value=1000"

Plans (TBD)

During the hackathon, we have covered the whole iOS infrastructure (cross-app transaction signing and sign via QR-code for the calls outside of the phone). Meanwhile, we want to continue working on that idea and adapt it to the whole Ethereum ecosystem, i.e., BUIDL set of the libraries to full reference of FinTech ecosystem::

  • Android (TBD)
  • JS(PR is during development already)
  • IoT libraries + NFC support

Final Notes:

All in all, with all those things that will be implemented we will make payments easy, secure and fast