AndroidObjectDetection copied to clipboard
can it be converted to face/age/gender detection?
hey there great application thanks for the idea! i was wondering if it can be converted to face detection? i tried to change the weight and config files but I just got errors
Hey. Thanks :) Can you post your error and config file? I think conversion it is possible with a right training. Without see error, first idea is that you have to check fame size. It must be equal to [288, 608] with all possible size between adding 32 (288, 320, 352, 384, 416...) both in the top of cfg file and in CameraActivity
Size frame_size = new Size(416, 416);
Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255.0, frame_size, mean, true, false);
when i trained my own yolov3 readdnnfromdarknet gives null into net variable. do you have solution for this then please share how to load custom trained model?