Recorderjs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Recorderjs copied to clipboard

WAV is too large. Is there any other type supported?

Open lhc-up opened this issue 5 years ago • 4 comments

lhc-up avatar Mar 04 '19 10:03 lhc-up


1 minute of audio goes to 5MB, How can we reduce it ?

rescue1155 avatar Jun 30 '19 08:06 rescue1155

Yes, i have the same problem. is there any way to compress audio ?

martin-nazaryan avatar Jul 19 '19 15:07 martin-nazaryan

You can use the media recorder (The default way) that supported in all major browsers. For non supported browsers (mostly: safari on iOS devices), you can using media-recorder-polyfill (

That will record the voice in wav format, with best quality 10mints of audio upto 4.5 MBs. (default media recorder). If polyfill media recorder library will use, That will record about 55% less than that library.

rescue1155 avatar Jul 19 '19 18:07 rescue1155

Maybe MediaRecorder can be used to convert recorded wav audio into webm.

Or use lamejs to convert PCM to MP3.

wav blob can get pcm through wavBlob.slice(44,wavBlob.size,"audio/pcm").


xiangyuecn avatar Jul 29 '19 04:07 xiangyuecn