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:clapper: a dev server for rapid prototyping
Maybe there is an easier way to facilitate multiple demos in a single project with budo. Say your project has two demos: "simple" and "advanced." You would need a script...
eg: `--proxy /api@http://localhost:3000/api` Proxies request to given url from given path (for example when proxying to API server) working sample: `budo scripts/main.js --live --proxy /api@http://localhost:3030/api -- -t rollupify -t sassr...
Can I deploy budo to heroku? Here is my package.json ``` json "scripts": { "start": "budo index.js --serve=bundle.js", "test": "eslint --no-eslintrc -c .eslintrc index.js", "build" : "browserify index.js | uglifyjs...
when I run the following: `budo browser.js:bundle.js --dir examples --host $npm_package_config_demo_host -o --port $npm_package_config_demo_port --live -- -t envify ` Budo, at times, does not GET 200 my modified JS files,...
Hi! I form the config for a large project kit in the following way in conjunction with `envify` ``` js module.exports = xtend( require('../config/__defaults/common'), require('../config/__defaults/' + process.env.stage), require('../config/' + process.env.project...
For demos and prototypes I often avoid a separate `style.css` and just make a few CSS tweaks inline in the `index.html`. It would be neat if Budo could LiveReload those...
If I have an HTML import (``), the Live Reload `` gets injected there, as well as in the parent document. In the case of nested imports, this can get...
So I've been working on a bunch of streaming providers for `{html,css,js}`, and I was wondering what's missing before it _could_ (not saying it should) be used as the heart...
I want to allow folks to spawn `budo` with a custom default port (instead of `9966`) like this: ``` js PORT=3000 npm start ``` But this won't work: ``` json...
Was playing around with budo-less and had the idea that budo could support any arbitrary middleware that followed a particular pattern (maybe like `simple-less-middleware`s), and would map that to a...