TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin copied to clipboard
allowPageScroll "vertical" not working on iPhone 5S iOS 9.2 Safari
tested after updating the code on my own site and then tested the demos here, not allowing vertical scroll where it should:
Good point. The example does not work for me either (in terms of vertical scrolling). iPhone 6 & iPhone 6s
Was able to fix the issue using "preventDefaultEvents: false,"
Yeah, I thought that I had sorted this with the new currentDirection
property, ill have another look now and see whats up
+1. Thanks for the recommended hack @artur-thiessen.
+1 still an issue. I had to update to get things working on windows phone, but now vertical page scrolling is broken with a horizontal slider.
Yeah still facing it... :sob:
@artur-thiessen was right. Was able to fix the issue using preventDefaultEvents: false
on iOS9 (iPhone6 tested)
Unfortunately preventDefaultEvents: false is not a solution. It seems to work ok-ish on iOS, but when swiping horizontally on Android and Windows Phone the native "page forwards/backwards" gestures are invoked, instead of merely interacting with the slider. The same does happen on iOS, but iOS has a smaller tolerance for these gestures so they are less noticeable.
I had no issue for the moment on Android devices, even without that workaround. (tested on One+One)
Yea, it breaks things for me too, on ios you cannot vertically scroll:
swipeLeft: function( event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount ){
if( slider.swipeInProgress === false ){
slider.swipeInProgress = true;
I have the same issue both on iOS 9.1 (iPhone 5c), iOS 8.1.3 (iPhone 6 Plus) and iOS 7.1.2 (iPhone 4).
Found a little workaround from @artur-thiessen's answer :
swipeStatus: function(event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers, fingerData, currentDirection) {
// replace 'right' with the direction for which you have NOT defined a swipe handler
var preventDefaultEvents = direction === 'right';
// prevent (or not) default swipe events on the fly
$(this).swipe('option', 'preventDefaultEvents', preventDefaultEvents);
It works for me on iOS 9.1 (iPad 4).
@Djules I have used your solution but it's not working in iphone smoothly.
Hi, I seem to have a similar problem: My source looks like this:
swipeLeft:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
swipeRight:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
I want the image to be swiped left and right by touch-swiping and the whole page to scroll up and down by "normal" up-down-finger-swiping on the "#carousel"-image. Left and right works perfect, but up and down scrolling is blocked. What is wrong with my code? I'm testing with iPad Air and iPad 2. (On Android-devices everything works fine: The problem seems iOS-specific)
Many thanks for your advices!
It appears to be affecting windows phone devices too. @artur-thiessen's solution fixed the issue for me.
I had a problem with horizontal scrolling elements and also Google Maps. I set "preventDefaultEvents: false". I made a scrolling class for elements I want to do a horizontal scroll on. You don't know which element the scroll will be triggered on, so I get the element that was swiped with $(e.srcElement), then I do a .closest() on it to find if it has my scrolling class. If it does, I don't do anything, if it doesn't then I call my swipe function. Not the prettiest solution, but it works.
Hello! Having the same problem and trying how to implement "preventDefaultEvents" in my script:
if (shouldSwipe) {
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li").swipe( {
tap: function() {
var link = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href');
if (link) window.location.href = link;
// Swipe left
swipeLeft: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
// Swipe right
swipeRight: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
excludedElements: ".noSwipe"
This is a slideshow and I have some different functions and timeouts to make it work. Would be very happy for help, since I do not get it where I should implement the fix in this.
Should I do it like this?
preventDefaultEvents: false,
excludedElements: ".noSwipe"
Hey Friends, This is working for me in ios. Vertical scrolling is working and on scrolling over anchor and image is also working.
This is my code
swipeStatus: function(event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers, fingerData, currentDirection) { // replace 'right' with the direction for which you have NOT defined a swipe handler var preventDefaultEvents = direction === 'right'; // prevent (or not) default swipe events on the fly $(this).swipe('option', 'preventDefaultEvents', preventDefaultEvents); },
allowPageScroll: "vertical", //Default is 75px, set to 0 for demo so any distance triggers swipe threshold: 0, excludedElements: "label, button, input, select, textarea, .noSwipe" // important for mobile anchor element swipe up and down
In the swipe status function the above code is important to swipe up and down.
And the option "excludedElements" i have removed some elements for swiping over them in mobile. In the plugin there are options like this:
excludedElements: "label, button, input, select, textarea, a, .noSwipe"
I have removed the 'a' from the excludedElements
option in my plugin and it's now working swipe over anchors.
I would be really grateful if someone could help me with this bug. It is getting quite frustrating. :( preventDefaultEvents: false
does not work, it blocks all swipes for me. Anyone have a clue?
if (shouldSwipe) {
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li").swipe( {
tap: function() {
var link = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href');
if (link) window.location.href = link;
// Swipe left
swipeLeft: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
// Swipe right
swipeRight: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
preventDefaultEvents: false,
excludedElements: ".noSwipe"
nice, I also have the problem with iphone4S ios 9.2 .Now it solved,Thanks gays.
I'm fully ready to blame Apple for this, but would really appreciate it were this issue resolved. The fixes above work inconsistently and often with negative side-effects. This issue was reported over a year ago--is there any plan to address it?
Hi @saturday1 , Try set allowPageScroll:"auto" and remove preventDefaultEvents: false. In my case, now scrolling and swiping are working in both desktop browsers and mobile browsers.
Thanks. The problem I have is the following: I have a slideshow. They have links. When I swipe left/right I am changing slide and the links should not be fired.They do not fires, so it works as expected. When I swipe/scroll up and down, it should scroll and not fire the click on release, but it does right now. How do I stop the link to be fired when I hold my finger on the a element(The slide), scroll up/down and release. You can see how it works right now at on iPhone
And @KylinWu thanks, but still I do not get it as I want to work. The link is firing on release when I scroll up and down.
Just tried to add preventdefault to swipe up/down, but no success:
if (shouldSwipe) {
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li").swipe( {
tap: function() {
var link = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href');
if (link) window.location.href = link;
// Swipe left
swipeLeft: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
// Swipe right
swipeRight: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Check if paused - stay paused
}, transitionTime + addOnTime);
// Swipe up
swipeUp: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
// Swipe down
swipeDown: function(){
jQuery(".sy-wrapper li a").click(function(event) {
excludedElements: ".noSwipe"