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An improved JavaScript Date object that allows you to change the current datetime and control the tick speed.


Warp.js improves your JavaScript Date object allowing you to change the current datetime and control the tick speed. Instead of new Date() giving you the current, lousy, depressing date and time, you can set the JavaScript clock to whatever date and time you wish! You can also specify how fast the clock ticks, making time on your website go by super-fast or extra-slow. You can even make time go backwards! Warp.js is great for testing front-end timestamps, "syncing" a browser's clock with your server's time, confusing your visitors, or reliving your website's heyday in the late 1990s.


Warp.js adds a Date.warp object that includes functions to control the JavaScript clock. These functions allow you to set the time and date of the clock and control how fast the clock ticks. Also, the Date.now() function and new Date() constructor are replaced. These will now return a warped timestamp or Date object based on the clock tick speed and the set datetime. The Date object works just like the standard object until you warp the clock using the functions provided in Date.warp, described below.


This function returns the warped integer timestamp of the clock. This is the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Setting the optional unwarped argument to true returns the current unwarped timestamp of your computer's clock.

new Date([...]) constructor

The replaced Date constructor can be invoked the [same ways] (http://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) that the actual constructor can be invoked:

new Date()
new Date(true)
new Date(dateObject)
new Date(millisecond)
new Date(dateString)
new Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond ])

Instantiating a new Date object with the default, zero-argument constructor will return a Date object that represents the warped date and time of the clock. The other standard constructors work as expected: they return a Date object that represents the time based on the supplied arguments.

Similar to the Date.now() function, if the first argument is true, the returned Date object will represent the current unwarped date and time.


The Date() function called without the new keyword will not create a new Date object, but will return a string representation of the current warped datetime. This functionality is similar to the standard Date object; however, the warped Date() and unwarped Date() may return slightly different formatted strings based on how the browser implements the Date.toString() method.


The clock() function gets or sets the warped date and time of the clock. Sending no arguments will return the current warped Date object. This function accepts the same arguments as the new Date() constructor and will set the warped clock based on the Date object created with those arguments. A single argument of true will set the clock to the actual unwarped datetime.


The speed() function gets or sets the tick speed of the warped clock. Sending no arguments will return the current tick speed. The speed argument can be thought of as a multiplicative factor: setting the speed to 2 will make the clock tick at 2 seconds per second -- or twice as fast. Negative speeds make the clock tick backwards.


The jump() function will move the clock forwards or backwards based on the value passed to the amount argument. If amount is a number, then the clock will be moved forwards (or backwards for negative numbers) that many milliseconds.

An object argument can supply amounts paired with any or all of eight possible units: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. A key in the object defines the unit, and the value associated with that key defines how many of that unit to add or subtract. For instance:

  'years': 2,
  'days': 15,
  'hours': -8.5

will jump forward 2 years and 15 days, then backward 8.5 hours. You're not restricted to using the long-form unit names: you're free to use names such as yr for years and h for hours. Pretty much any abbreviation you can think of will be properly parsed. See below for the full unit name list. Using more than one abbreviation for a single unit will add both of the amounts. For example: Date.warp.jump({'y': 5, 'yr': 3}) will jump ahead 8 years.

A string argument works similarly to the object argument, except that the amount and unit tokens are next to each other in a string. You can use any delimiter you want (or no delimiter at all) between the amount/unit pairs, and you can even use spaces between the amount and unit, just as long as the amount token and unit token are next to each other. For instance, the following strings are all parsed correctly and jump the clock the expected amount of time:

Date.warp.jump('-25yr +3d -5.5hr');
Date.warp.jump('1year - 6.mo,-.5day_1.5hrs');
Date.warp.jump('Jump the clock 6 Months, 2 Weeks, and -1.5 Days');

Notice: using the same unit twice will add both amounts. For example, Date.warp.jump('6hours 30min 1hr') will jump ahead 7 hours and 30 minutes.

Notice: be careful when using a dash as a delimiter. Put spaces around it so it's not confused as a negative sign on your numbers.

Unit name list:

  • year: y, yr, yrs, year, years
  • month: mo, mos, month, months
  • week: w, wk, wks, week, weeks
  • day: d, day, days
  • hour: h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
  • minute: m, min, mins, minute, minutes
  • second: s, sec, secs, second, seconds
  • millisecond: ms, milli, millis, millisecond, milliseconds

Note that the short unit m is reserved for minute; month uses mo and millisecond uses ms.


The reset() function sets the clock tick speed back to 1 and resets the clock to the current unwarped date and time.

Date.warp.on(), Date.warp.off()

The on() and off() functions, surprisingly, turn the clock warping on and off. Turning the warping off with Date.warp.off() will not reset or pause the warped clock; it will simply redefine the original Date object, allowing it to report actual unwarped times. When Date.warp.on() is called, the warped Date object is replaced, and it will report warped times at the previously set speed from the previous warped datetime as if warping had not been turned off at all.


The date property will always point to the unwarped Date object. This is useful for when you need to get the current unwarped time without having to fool with turning the warping on and off.


Copyright (c) 2012 Matt Bradley

This software is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.