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A Go (golang) based Elasticsearch client library.
Is there a way in 2.0 to set an HTTP path? I have ES behind an Nginx reverse proxy at `/elasticsearch` w/ basic auth. I see a way to put...
I am needing to get at the complete list of indices and their stats (primarily store size) and noticed that `indicesstats.go` is empty. If there's not any immediate plans to...
Just more stuff for users of this library to have to import and use. It would be nice to not depend on: github.com/araddon/gou
Hey, As far as i can see Elasticsearch doesn't support filtered using POST. Is DoCommand the only way to achieve this in elastigo? http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_combining_queries_with_filters.html From the docs about _search http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-body.html...
doc := map[stirng]interface{}{ "type":1 } els := elastigo.NewConn() resp, err := els.Index("index-xxx", "type.has/slash", "", nil, doc) /* resp.Id ==slash */
If the index I check with IdicesExists exist it works fine, but if it don't exist I get a panic. See sample code: ``` package main import ( "github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/api" "github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/indices"...
This stems from the fact that `Request.DoResponse` will return the `RecordNotFound` error for all HTTP 404 responses. However, in this particular the 404 is _not_ an error, it's the answer...
This appears to be caused by upstream bug https://github.com/bitly/go-hostpool/pull/6 from elasticgo code used at https://github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/blob/master/lib/connection.go#L96. It sounds based on the pull request to go-hostpool that the fix involves introducing a...
There seems to be multiple ways to denote errors in elastigo now https://github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/blob/master/lib/baserequest.go#L72 https://github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/blob/master/lib/error.go#L10 Would it not be nice to standardize it at some point?
https://github.com/mattbaird/elastigo/blob/master/lib/corebulk.go#L186-L189 the timeout should probably be configurable, and there should be some sort of indication that you've hit the timeout