Coq-Equations copied to clipboard
Equations uses shadowed variable computing wrong result
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Inductive term :=
| tBox
| tConstruct (ind : nat) (c : nat)
| tConst (kn : nat).
Equations eta_exp_discr (t : term) : Prop :=
eta_exp_discr (tConstruct ind c) := False;
eta_exp_discr (tConst kn) := False;
eta_exp_discr _ := True.
Inductive eta_exp_view : term -> Type :=
| eta_exp_view_Construct ind c : eta_exp_view (tConstruct ind c)
| eta_exp_view_Const kn : eta_exp_view (tConst kn)
| eta_exp_view_other t : eta_exp_discr t -> eta_exp_view t.
Equations eta_exp_viewc (t : term) : eta_exp_view t :=
eta_exp_viewc (tConstruct ind c) := eta_exp_view_Construct ind c;
eta_exp_viewc (tConst kn) := eta_exp_view_Const kn;
eta_exp_viewc t := eta_exp_view_other t _.
Definition decompose_app (t : term) : term * nat := (t, 0).
Definition inspect {A} (a : A) : { x : A | x = a } :=
exist _ a eq_refl.
Equations eta_expand (t : term) : nat :=
eta_expand t with inspect (decompose_app t) := {
| exist _ (t, n) _ with eta_exp_viewc t := {
| eta_exp_view_Construct ind c := 0;
| eta_exp_view_Const n := n;
| eta_exp_view_other t' discr := 0
Compute eta_expand (tConst 5). (* gives 0 instead of 5 *)
In this clause:
| eta_exp_view_Const n := n;
Equations seems to instead use the n
from this clause:
| exist _ (t, n) _ with eta_exp_viewc t := {
Therefore, the computation computes to 0
instead of 5
. This can also manifest as a typing error instead.
Much simpler example:
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Equations eta_expand : nat :=
eta_expand with 0 :=
| n with 5 :=
| n := n.
Compute eta_expand.
Ah yes, it's missing a name clash test or a proper shadowing discipline here.
I got a similar issue (in version 1.3+8.14) with an example boiling down to:
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Equations test
(n : nat) : nat :=
test 1 := 17 ;
test n with true := {
| true => n
| false => 17
Compute (test 2).
Here test 2
return 0
while it should return 2
, I guess because the n
got somehow shadowed.
Your example is slightly different @MevenBertrand , the ones of @jakobbotsch are fixed (with an explicit error from Equations). In your case the definition should go through but there is indeed a misinterpretation.