dokku-secure-apps copied to clipboard
Make password settable through secure input
As I see, the only way to set the password is by passing it directly through the command line as argument. This is often seen as security flaw, since your password will be written into a Logfile.
You might consider changing this.
There is also a little bug, or more a cosmetic flaw, which displays every sub-command when displaying the help page:
Usage: dokku [--quiet|--trace|--rm-container|--rm|--force] COMMAND <app> [command-specific-options]
Primary help options, type "dokku COMMAND:help" for more details, or dokku help --all to see all commands.
apps Manage Dokku apps
buildpacks Manages buildpack settings for an app
certs Manage Dokku apps SSL (TLS) certs
checks Manage zero-downtime settings
config Manages global and app-specific config vars
docker-options Pass options to Docker the various stages of an app
domains Manage vhost domains used by the Dokku proxy
enter Connect to a specific app container
events Show the last events (-t follows)
git Manages the git integration for an app
help Print the list of commands
logs Output app logs
network Manages network settings for an app
nginx Interact with Dokku's Nginx proxy
proxy Manage the proxy used by dokku on a per app
ps List processes running in app container(s)
repo Runs commands that interact with the app's repo
resource Manages resource settings for an app
run Run a command in a new container using the current application image
scheduler-docker-local Manages the scheduler-docker-local integration for an app
shell Spawn dokku shell
ssh-keys Manage public ssh keys that are allowed to connect to Dokku
storage Mount local volume / directories inside containers
tags List all app image tags
tar Deploy applications via tarball instead of git
trace Enable dokku tracing
url Show the first URL for an application (compatibility)
urls Show all URLs for an application
version Print dokku's version
Community plugin commands:
letsencrypt Plugin for managing letsencrypt app integration
mariadb Plugin for managing MariaDB services
memcached Plugin for managing Memcached services
mysql Plugin for managing MySQL services
postgres Plugin for managing Postgres services
redirect Plugin for managing application redirects
redis Plugin for managing Redis services
secure:delete <app> delete htpasswd file for this app
secure:disable <app> remove security for this app
secure:enable <app> enable security for this app
secure:list <app> list users for this app
secure:set <app> username password add user to this app or update their password
secure:unset <app> username remove user from this app
As you see, every plugin outputs just the base command and to get a list of available subcommands u usually would either use autocomplete or get the specific help page from the plugin.
Thanks @Padrio. I am not currently using Dokku so won't have time to make any changes to this repo. Let me know if you would be happy to fix this and maybe step in as a maintainer.