Mats Bryntse
Mats Bryntse

[Forum post]( Hi, This is a follow on from: viewtopic.php?p=155017 And we are using Bryntum V5.6.13 That ticket and demo was about unhighlighting time spans. This ticket is about adding...
If you change column width, column "text" will be stored. No updates to the app code will ever take effect
[Forum post]( Hi, While testing the latest Gantt version (v6.0.5), I encountered a bug related to task duration. When specifying the duration with the letter "M" for months (as written...
[Forum post]( Good day! I expected that if the names overlap, then the event will move down, but this does not happen. 'labelLayoutMode' config don't work. ``` const scheduler =...
- [x] Support for extra items shown for active tab. `tabBarItems` added to Panel - [x] Support for same extra items shown for all (?) - [x] Ensure we can...

Meaning it cannot move along time axis when dragged