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Inconsistant application of rules
With Book of UUUNP, Unique loot, and Dynamic Dungeon Loot (DDL) loaded Mator Smash is applying rules inconsistently. Changing the rule doesn't seem to change the application either. E.g, switching from Bash.Invent(preserve deletions), or a custom rule that toggles "override deletions" instead, the result is the same.
Note how in screenshot 1 there is no smash resolution with DDL overwriting the UUNP entry. MS should have resolved this conflict but it did not for some reason. With the same rules applied in screenshot 2 the result should be similar, but instead MS does resolve the conflict carrying forward the UUNP entry, and carrying forward the UL entry, but skipping over DDL.
So in Screenshot 1 DDL wins completely over BookUUNP, MS acts as if Book were a skipped esp. But Screenshot 2, MS treats Book as the winning esp, and acts as if DDL were skipped.
For example. Container 00020671 UUNP (override), UniqueLoot(override), DDL(override) Smash patch carries UUNP and UniqueLoot but drops DynamicDungeonLoot.
Container 0002064F, on the other hand, has only Book of UUNP(override), and DDL(override) but the smash patch does not resolve the conflict.
In fact, even though DDL has 25 container records and 24 have conflicts, MS only resolves two of the 25 records. Even though the other records contain the same kinds of confilcts.