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Tailscale packages for Turris OS

Tailscale packages for Turris OS


Tailscale packages for Turris OS based on upstream precompiled static binaries.


You use everything here at your own risk. Make sure you have other network paths to your router before installing this, in case something goes wrong.

Signing of individual packages and feeds is not yet implemeted, however the Turris updater will verify that the server presents a correct SSL certificate.

Package hosting provided by Martin Lucina (@mato on Github), you can view the repositories manually by browsing to https://pkgs-tailscale.lucina.net/.

Issue Tracker

File packaging issues in this repository. For all other issues with Tailscale on Turris OS please use the normal support channels.


SSH into the router as root, and:

  1. Install tailscale.lua as /etc/updater/conf.d/tailscale.lua.
  2. Run pkgupdate to install the packages. Update approvals are not required when running the updater from the command line.
  3. Enable and start the tailscaled service with service tailscaled enable && service tailscaled start.
  4. Run tailscale up as you normally would.

If you have update approvals enabled, subsequent updates will need to be approved via the web interface.

If you want to use the unstable release track instead, edit tailscale.lua to suit.


These packages use the same filesystem conventions as those in upstream OpenWRT. Notably, tailscaled.state is located in /etc/tailscale. If you have been previously using Tailscale on the router via a manual install from static binaries and would like to preserve your node's existing identity in the network, be sure to copy your existing tailscaled.state to /etc/tailscale.

Upgrades from the OpenWRT upstream packages of Tailscale should work, but have not been tested.


The package is created based on Tailscale static binaries which are confirmed to work on Turris OS 5.x or later.

Making packages


  • GNU make
  • GNU tar
  • curl
  • jq

To build packages of the latest upstream stable release run make. This will produce packages of tailscaled and tailscale in build/stable/.

Set TRACK=unstable on the make command line to build the latest unstable release instead, and/or RELEASE=X.YY.Z to build a specific release from the release track as set in TRACK. Refer to the Makefile for further targets, including those used to update package feeds.


  • Packaging based on the OpenWRT upstream package by Ján Pavlinec of CZ.NIC.