Matti Leppänen
Matti Leppänen
Actually, what is needed, is the other way around. At the moment the routes related to 'users' are skipped by restivus-swagger, but in certain API also those routes are needed...
Hi, I mean the routes with string 'users' in path. // Loop through all routes let paths = {}; _ . each ( restivus . _routes , function ( route...
OK, There is an API, in which there are functionality for following routes: ApiV1.addRoute('organizations', { ApiV1.addRoute('organizations/:id', { ApiV1.addCollection(Apis, { ApiV1.addCollection(Meteor.users, { ApiV1.addRoute('users/updates', { When a swagger file is generated: //...
The functionality mentioned in first link seems not to work, no change in generated swagger document. No effect regardless the change of path name given (not containing 'users'). I guess...
Here is the main module. What I added for testing is the paths-section with test path 'mulkoturpa'.In generated document other paths come from different files. But this 'mulkoturpa' path is...
OK, Now I get figured it out, that when adding external paths, the 'paths' section needs to be under 'meta' section. That way I get it working and now also...
However, I think that an update in Restivus-swagger documentation is needed. It needs to be clearly indicated, that in case of external paths is used, the definition of 'paths' needs...