Image-domain-conversion-using-CycleGAN copied to clipboard
MATLAB example of deep learning for image domain conversion
Image domain conversion using CycleGAN
This example shows how to convert images from one domain into another using CycleGAN
CycleGAN is a GAN model that is generally used for the following purposes.
- Style transfer (images and paintings)
- Season conversion
- Day / night conversion
- Object transformation
The difference from Pix2Pix, which also perform image-image conversion, is that CycleGAN uses unsupervised learning, so there is no need for a paired image dataset. In this example, even with unsupervised learning, you can see the model convert the images by understanding whether the fruit was a whole one or a cut one.
MATLAB version should be R2019b and later
The repository provides the following files:
- CycleGANExample.mlx — Example showing how to train the CycleGAN model
- generator.m — Function to create a CycleGAN generator network
- discriminator.m — Function to create a CycleGAN discriminator network
- cycleGanImageDatastore.m — Datastore to prepare batches of images for training
- cycleGAN_1000.mat - Pretrained model that converts apples to oranges and vice-versa
To run, open CycleGANExample.mlx and run the script. You can train the model or use the pretrained model by setting the doTraining flag to false.
Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (Jun-Yan Zhu.etc, 2017)
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