swift-graphql copied to clipboard
Optional lists? optional().list.optional()
Describe the bug I'm not sure if it's a bug or I just don't get the types yet.
I have a shop with optional categories and a M2M relation.
extension Objects.ShopFairShop {
public static func categories<T>(
filter: OptionalArgument<InputObjects.ShopFairShopShopFairCategoryFilter> = .init(),
sort: OptionalArgument<[OptionalArgument<String>]> = .init(),
limit: OptionalArgument<Int> = .init(), offset: OptionalArgument<Int> = .init(),
page: OptionalArgument<Int> = .init(), search: OptionalArgument<String> = .init(),
selection: Selection<T, [Objects.ShopFairShopShopFairCategory?]?>
) -> Selection<T, Objects.ShopFairShop> {
Selection<T, Objects.ShopFairShop> {
try $0.categories(
filter: filter, sort: sort, limit: limit, offset: offset, page: page, search: search,
selection: selection)
At least I get to this:
let categorySelection = Selection.ShopFairShopShopFairCategory{
try $0.shopFairCategoryId(selection: Selection.ShopFairCategory{ try $0.name() ?? "" }.optional())
But I need to get the list optional as well. Don't know how.
If I do this:
let categorySelection = Selection.ShopFairShopShopFairCategory{
try $0.shopFairCategoryId(selection: Selection.ShopFairCategory{ try $0.name() ?? "" }.optional())
It gives me:
Generic parameter 'UnwrappedT' could not be inferred
To Reproduce
My graph is not public yet, so It's hard to give a repo
Expected behavior My expectation was, that list.optional would give me:
Selection<[String?], [Objects.ShopFairShopShopFairCategory?]?>