2D-Lid-Driven-Cavity-Flow-Incompressible-Navier-Stokes-Solver icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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This repository provides MATLAB code for the lid-driven cavity flow where incompressible Navier Stokes equation is numerically solved using a simple 2nd order finite difference scheme on a staggered g...

2D Lid Driven Cavity Flow

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This repo provides a MATLAB example code for the lid-driven cavity flow where incompressible Navier Stokes equation is numerically solved using a simple 2nd order finite difference scheme on a staggered grid system.

sample (Left: Re = 100, Right: Re = 10,000)

The arrow denotes the velocity field, and the contour denotes its magnitude.

Part 1: Getting Started with the Cavity Flow

  • Click here for detailed documentation in English.
  • 日本語のドキュメントはこちら から

The numerical scheme is kept primitive; the explicit treatment of viscous term (the solution diverges at low Reynolds number), and the time integration is Euler.


Part 2: Implicit Scheme for the Viscous Terms

  • Click here for detailed documentation in English.
  • 日本語のドキュメントはこちら から

The implicit treatments for viscous terms are implemented, namely the Crank-Nicolson method. For better stability for non-linear terms, Adams-Bashforth, and 3 steps-Runge-Kutta is also implemented.


Part 3: Performance Comparison of the Implicit Methods

  • Click here for detailed documentation in English.
  • 日本語のドキュメントはこちら から

The implicit treatments for viscous terms results in solving the discretized Helmholtz equation at every time step. We compare the performance of five methods.


Part 4: Validation of the Numerical Scheme

  • Click [here] for detailed documentation in English. (not ready)
  • 日本語のドキュメントはこちら から

The results of spatial and temporal convergence tests are shown. Convergence tests are run using the method of manufactured solutions where the Navier-Stokes equations are forced so that the solution will be a prescribed time-dependent function.

ある外力項を加えた Navier-Stokes 方程式の数値解と解析解と比較することで、時間積分の精度(1次精度) と空間微分の精度(2次精度)を確認します。

Next to come

The plan is to allow arbitrary boundary conditions for more fun simulations.


  • MATLAB R2019b-R2023b
  • Signal Processing Toolbox if you use dct in solving Poisson eqn.


  1. Implement implicit treatment of viscous terms
  2. Implement crank-Nicolson for the non-linear terms
  3. Allow obstacles within the domain
  4. Allow inflow from the wall
  5. Make it to 3D


Copyright (c) 2020-2023, The MathWorks, Inc.