gdrive-upload-action icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gdrive-upload-action copied to clipboard

Github action that uploads files to Google Drive

build Go Report Card

Github action that uploads files to Google Drive

User guide

Service account required

Only works with a Google Service Account!

To make a Google Service Account, go to the Credentials Dashboard and press CREATE CREDENTIALS, then click on Service Account. After creating the SA, go back to the Credentials Dashboard, click on the SA you just created, click on the KEYS tabs. Then click on ADD KEY, Create New Key and select json.

Encoded credentials

  1. Encode the credentials.

    cat credentials.json | base64

  2. Create a new Github secret called credentials and copy the output of the previous command into this secret.

  3. Use this secret as your credentials input in your workflow.

Plaintext credentials

  1. Create a new Github secret called credentials paste the contents of the credentials file you just downloaded in it.

  2. Use this secret as your credentials input in your workflow.

  3. Set the encoded input to false in your workflow.

You will also need to share the drive with the service account. To do this, just share the folder like you would normally with a friend, except you share it with the Service Account email address.

Additionally you need to enable the Google Drive API for your GCP project. Do this by going here and pressing ENABLE.

Example: Simple Workflow

In this example we stored the folderId and credentials as action secrets. This is highly recommended as leaking your credentials key will allow anyone to use your service account.

# .github/workflows/main.yml
name: Main
      - 'master'
      - 'main'
      - '!test'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Archive files
        run: |
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install zip
          zip -r *

      - name: Upload to gdrive
        uses: mathisve/gdrive-upload-action@main
          folderId: ${{ secrets.folderId }}
          credentials: ${{ secrets.credentials }}
          encoded: false



Required: YES

The name of the file you want to upload.


Required: NO

The name you want the file to have in Google Drive. If this input is not provided, it will use the filename.


Required: YES

The ID of the folder you want to upload to.


Required: YES

A string with the GSA credentials. This string should be base64 encoded. If it is not, set the encoded input to false.


Required: NO

Whether or not the credentials string is base64 encoded. Defaults to true.


Required: NO

If you want to overwrite all existing files in the drive folder that match the given name, with the current file content. Defaults to false


For contribution user guide see