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:wrench: .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS

Results 120 dotfiles issues
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Hello! I'm using the latest `.itermcolors` file from this repo together with iTerm 2.9.x When running, for example, gulp, the timestamp is not visible. When highlighting the timestamp I can...

[The setting in .osx]( to disable .DS_Store file creation on network drives doesn't work correctly. The line reads: ``` defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true ``` Unfortunately, as per [the...

Has anyone else noticed that: ``` defaults write askForPasswordDelay -int 0 ``` doesn't work anymore on High Sierra? It's supposed to change the setting that, in the GUI (System...

* Fixes #870 * Fixes #869 This updates a variety of things related to Homebrew: * Drop unnecessarily running `brew cleanup` & `brew update` * Add, and echo during script...

Everytime i start my iTerm i get this messages at the beginning: ``` -bash: declare: -A: invalid option declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...] -bash: complete: -D: invalid option...

First of thanks for sharing your dotfiles, it's been a major source of inspiration to setup my WSL2 machine lately. So, I tried using the normalised [`open`]( _(line #144 of...

If certain programs are installed that are not part of the base system, such as what is installed via homebrew, then they will not be found in a non-interactive shell....

I noticed the `defaults write` commands aren't working, though they do work with `sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ...`. Do you see this as well, or am I doing something...

in your .bash_profile i print the PS1 \[\033]0;\W\007\]\u@\h: \w$(get_git_repository_details " on ")\n\[\]\[\]$ \[\] some times the terminal will be one line and not break line