@szaffarano if you could review the code style, I will be happy to merge. Thanks!
+1 here, in iOS simulator not working. Didnt try in Android. Loading animation from assets, properly declared in the pubspec.yaml like in example. Just getting a blank white screen.
It seems that his has been fixed in master branch. In order to have this solved, you need to pull master and either publish to local maven or generate the...
Another thing to mention, if you find yourself with an error like the following: `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method addObject(Lorg/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1Primitive;)` Check that you have the same dependency version for `org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15to18`, with...
The fix is implemented here: 1959dab5e4b4f1851f080dfb8d2c1e6db68d8ad4 Previously, when using `Transaction.addSignedInput` method (the big one), when instantiating TransactionInput, it is always passing null as `Coin` value parameter, so this was making...
Hi @msgilligan What I did was basically pull 0.17-SNAPSHOT and make the jar file. I've found some problems after the update when executing this in our app because we are...
Closing after such a long time without activity.
[ApplicationTest]( is under comments, so nothing really to see there. There are plenty of resources around where to look for the question you are mentioning here, for example: I...