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Paste API

Open dmos62 opened this issue 11 months ago • 3 comments

Fixes #2844

Implements paste API.

Initially we envisioned a generic bulk upsert API that could be used by the frontend paste functionality, hence the title of #2844. I explored that idea extensively, but opted for a non-generic API specifically for pasting.

In my estimate, the bulk upsert as expected by a user using paste in a spreadsheet is wildly different than the bulk upsert expected by database administrator doing INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE. Trying to accomodate both seemed like a good way to waste a lot of time and end up with bad UX for both.

Instead of summarizing my concerns, I'll summarize the features of the proposed paste API:

updates = [
inserts = [
data = dict(
)'/api/ui/v0/tables/{}/records/paste/', data=data)

Above is the basic outline of the API. The endpoint accepts (via POST) a dict, that has two fields: updates and inserts.

It's assumed that frontend will always know whether a given row being pasted should result in an update or an insert. Making that explicit prevents surprises in case of relevant changes having been made that were not synced with the calling frontend.

Updates are a sequence of dicts: each dict has a changes key and a conditionals key: changes define the field-value pairs to change in the row that is satisfied by the equality comparisons defined by field-value pairs in conditionals. Think how UPDATE works in SQL. An update with changes being {'field1':'val1'} and conditionals being {'id':'val2'} requests that for the single row whose id field equals val2, its field1 field's value is set to val1.

If more than one row would be updated by a given update, that's a fatal exception, because when pasting a row it should never result in more than one updated row. The paste API attempts to minimize surprises to the end user.

Inserts are a sequence of dicts: each dict defines the field-value pairs that should be set on the new resulting row.

An insert will always result in a new row or will panic if that's impossible for whatever reason.

Any panic encountered will rollback all changes made. Paste is meant to be an all-or-nothing operation.

Also, this API panics if any user-defined changes to SERIAL or IDENTITY columns are requested. These column types need special handling when mutating their values, because there are sequences involved, and that seems hard to safely generalize (i.e. prevent surprises).

All updates are performed before any inserts. All updates are performed in order requested; same for inserts.


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dmos62 avatar Sep 22 '23 16:09 dmos62

@dmos62 I assume this PR is to fix #2844, is that right? If so, can you update the PR description?

seancolsen avatar Oct 25 '23 19:10 seancolsen

@dmos62 can you give an update one where you're at with this PR? How close to completion is it? What work is remaining?

seancolsen avatar Oct 25 '23 19:10 seancolsen

I'll update the top post with what the goal/spec of the PR is.

As to the progress, here's the summary, but keep in mind that I might not recall some details. The PR seems 80% complete. The SQL logic and tests seem to be there. The API tests are there for the update aspect of pasting. The API tests for the insert aspect of pasting are missing. The API tests for the paste operation being all-or-nothing are missing as well.

dmos62 avatar Oct 25 '23 20:10 dmos62

Closed for now, but we may grab some pieces of this later.

mathemancer avatar Jun 06 '24 01:06 mathemancer