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Helps you write strictly pure functions in Haxe


This library, pureHaxe, is aimed to help you write very strict pure functions in Haxe. It does two things:

  • adds some sugar
  • strictly checks functions for purity.

How to enable

  • Add this line to your hxml: --macro pure.Pure.p()
  • Add this before class declaration, which will contain pure functions:
@:build(pure.Pure.build()) class YourClass{...}
  • Put @pure or @p meta tag before your pure function, like
@pure function doSomething(a:Float, b:Float){...}

What should happen then

Each pure functions will:

  • make the function static and public
  • return the last expression and won't allow you to use return keyword
  • make each variable immutable, i.e. you won't be able to change it once it's created
  • won't let you use loops (like for or while)
  • won't allow you to use outer mutable variables.
  • will make sure that all functions, called within this pure function are pure too. For example it will let you use Math.sin and Math.cos, but will throw error if you try to use Math.random



package pure ;

 * ...
 * @author Shalmu
@:build(pure.Pure.build()) class PureTest{
	public function new() {
		Main.log(PureTest.doSomething(2.5, 6.2));
	@pure function doSomething(a:Float, b:Float) {
		var res = a * b, something = a / b; /// ok, making immutable variables
		var lala = OtherTest.anotherSomething(1); /// ok, OtherTest.anotherSomething() is pure
		var lala = somethingElse(res, 2.333); /// ok, somethingElse() is pure
		var lala = Math.pow(a, b); /// ok, Math.pow is pure
		var nana = String.fromCharCode(23); /// ok, String.fromCharCode is pure
		var dt = Date.fromTime(580447733345); /// ok, Date.fromTime is pure too
		var mi = dt.getFullYear() * lala; /// also ok, making immutable from pure and immutable
		var rand = Math.random(1.3); /// STOPS COMPILATION compilation with "Math.random doesn't look pure"
		var a = cannotUse * 2; /// STOPS COMPILATION with "You cannot use mutable variables from outside"
		var b = canUse * 4; /// ok, using outside inline (const) var. If it'd been mutable, it would've stoped.
		var c = OtherTest.mutableVar; /// STOPS COMPILATION with "You cannot use mutable variables from outsise"
		var hash = haxe.crypto.Md5.encode('yo!'); /// alright, Md5.emcode is pure
		lala = 34; /// STOPS COMPILATION with "you cannot reassign vars in pure functions
		Date.now(); /// STOPS COMPILATION with "Date.now doesn't look pure
		res *= 34;/// STOPS COMPILATION, again was trying to set immutable
		res = 33; /// this one too
			case 2.2: a = 44; /// STOPS COMPILATION, "a" cannot be changed
			default: b = 23; /// STOPS COMPILATION, "b" cannot be changed
		return a; /// STOPS COMPILATION with "do not use "return" keyword, the last expression will return anyway
		for (i in 0...100) var h = 2;/// STOPS COMPILATION with "You cannot use cycles in pure functions"
		while (a == 3) var h = 3;/// STOPS COMPILATION, can't use cycles!
		var no = false; /// ok
		var o = switch(no) { /// ok
			case false: 34; /// ok
			default: 88; /// ok
		o/1000*mi; /// the last expression is returned without any "return" word.
	static var cannotUse = 23; /// declaring mutable var for tests.
	static inline var canUse = 33; /// declaring immutable
	 * Here goes another pure functon, I want to test in in the upper pure function.
	 * @param	a
	 * @param	b
	@pure function somethingElse(a:Float, b:Float) {
		var res = a / b;

 * Another class with pure functions, to test it in "PureTest.doSomething"
@:build(pure.Pure.build()) class OtherTest {
	public static var mutableVar = 22.22;
	@p function anotherSomething(v:Int) {
		v * 1.111111;