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E2E testing using detox and cucumber for react-native apps

React Native Detox Cucumber Integration

This integration is mainly tested against android. But there shouldn't be any problem with ios also.


  • Make sure you have Xcode or Android Studio installed based on your requirements
  • make sure you have node installed (brew install node, node 8.3.0 and up is required for native async-await support, otherwise you'll have to babel the tests).
  • Make sure you have react-native dependencies installed:
    • react-native-cli is installed (npm install -g react-native-cli)
    • watchman is installed (brew install watchman)

Step 0:

Before starting out with Cucumber, please be sure to go over the fundamentals of Getting Started guide from Detox.

Step 1: Adding dependencies

  • Make sure you're inside your git cloned folder react-native-detox-cucumber.
  • Run yarn. This will take care of installing detox and cucumber.

To test Release build of your app

Step 2: Build

  • Build the project
detox build --configuration android.emu.release

Step 3: Test

  • Run tests on the project via cucumber command.
node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js ./e2e/features --require-module @babel/register --configuration android.emu.release

This action will open a new simulator and run the tests on it.

In cucumber, since we write the test steps in plain gherkin syntax, we need to start the test via cucumber command which will understand the gherkin syntax and execute them.

Any arguments which you would have wanted to pass it to detox directly, you can continue to pass it as an argument to cucumber-js like how we have passed --configuration and detox will read it internally.

How this actually works under the hood is,

If you had seen the default mocha setup that comes via detox init -r mocha, you would have noticed a init.js file where the actual Detox initialisation and cleanup happens via the hooks that mocha provides. Same needs to be done for Cucumber also via the hooks provided by Cucumber.

const detox = require('detox');
const { BeforeAll, AfterAll } = require('cucumber');
const config = require('path-to-package.json').detox;

BeforeAll(async () => {
  await detox.init(config);

AfterAll(async () => {
  await detox.cleanup();

You can notice that same being done in e2e/features/support/init.js in this repository. So when you execute the cucumber command, cucumber hooks gets called and detox initialisation happens and then cucumber starts executing every scenarios written in its feature file.

Check e2e/features/example.feature for test scenarios and e2e/features/support/step_definitions for the step definitions.

To test Debug build of your app

Step 2: Build

  • Build the demo project
detox build --configuration android.emu.debug

Step 3: Test

  • start react-native packager
npm run start
  • Run tests on the demo project
node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js ./e2e/features --require-module @babel/register --configuration android.emu.debug

This action will open a new simulator and run the tests on it.