reading-text-in-the-wild copied to clipboard
regarding data sets and model
I am trying to run your code
i try to run for datasets and model as follows
:~/reading-text-in-the-wild/DICT2$ python File "", line 40 model_file = 'LOCATION OF dictnet.mat from NIPS ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
how to fix this please
@nazeer2014 Did you download the dictnet model from the website?
I see a file charnat.mat in model_release directory in 'reading-text-in-the-wild ' dowloaded directory
But i didnt download dictnet model (I think you talk about downloading from
As i am new to this field could you please expalin the in detail steps to run the madles and dataset in ubuntu platform
I hope it willbe helpful for new comers
Many thanks in advance
Hi @nazeer2014 I was hoping the README file went through this and served as a primer on how to get started. Can you point to instances where it is confusing?
yes i went through README file
where i get confused is in dataset and model section:
""The training data for the networks comes from the MJSynth dataset and the models are extracted from the MATLAB models located at models
The weights from the MATLAB models are extracted for conversion to Keras via the files
for the DICT+2 model ""
so when i run
ubuntu says
File "", line 40 model_file = 'LOCATION OF dictnet.mat from NIPS ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
so which file i should modify?
The file you need is located at the address ( site). The file is too big to host on github, so you need to download it yourself. After downloading, you need to go into the file and overwrite the text of model_file to where on your local machine you placed the file.
ah OK I am downlading it i will try
and it is same procedure for also ?
Yes, the procedure is the same. Furthermore, within the README, it denotes the correct versions of keras and tensorflow. You will have to change some tensorflow files as well
Many Thanks to you
I will check and come back to you if I need any help