Unrealm copied to clipboard
Can't build xcode14.2
build error: Declaration of 'RealmSwiftObject' must be imported from module 'Realm.Swift' before it is required
@cellgit Which package manager did you use to install the library?
@arturdev CocoaPods
Adding '@import Realm.Swift;' fixes the issue for now
The issue has been fixed. Check 1.9.5
Adding '@import Realm.Swift;' With Xcode 14.2 not working
make sure you're using the latest version of the Realm. Check your podfile and run
pod update --repo-update
@arturdev I am installing using Package Dependencies. So realm is already installed by package
@ashugabani which version have you installed of Realm?
@arturdev Realm version is 10.25.2
@ashugabani you should update the realm version.. it is too old...
@arturdev When I add a package of Unrealm then it already add that realm version.
@ashugabani Ah.. that makes sense now.. I've fixed it only for cocoapods..
@arturdev so any update possible?
will try to update during the next days