Expandable-Compose-Calendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Expandable-Compose-Calendar copied to clipboard

A Jetpack Compose library for rendering expandable calendar component

Expandable Compose Calendar

Expandable Compose Calendar

Integrate calendar with your Jetpack Compose project.


Java CI with Gradle


A calendar with a week view that can be expanded to a month view


  1. Configure jitpack
  2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.mateusz800:Expandable-Compose-Calendar:<latest version>'


Add the ExpandableCalendar composable to your code:

ExpandableCalendar(onDayClick = {


ExpandableCalendar has an optional parameter named theme. By using this property you can customize how your calendar will look like.

ExpandableCalendar(theme = calendarDefaultTheme.copy(
    // properties that you want to override
), onDayClick = {...})

CalendarTheme data class looks like

data class CalendarTheme(
    val backgroundColor: Color,
    val headerBackgroundColor: Color,
    val dayBackgroundColor: Color,
    val selectedDayBackgroundColor: Color,
    val dayValueTextColor: Color,
    val selectedDayValueTextColor: Color,
    val headerTextColor: Color,
    val weekDaysTextColor: Color,
    val dayShape: Shape

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