Mateusz Hołenko
Mateusz Hołenko
Hi, thanks for reporting the issue. We've double checked it with the current Zephyr version (3.6) and the current Renode (1.15) and all basic Zephyr samples, including hello world, seem...
Closing as stale, but feel free to open a new issue in case you encounter the same problem again.
Hi @lindblandro, thanks for reporting the issue! As suggested, in we've switched dependencies for Fedora package from `beesu` to `polkit` which should address your case.
Hi and thanks for reporting the issue. We've just released some updates to the STM ethernet model (together with a nucleo_f429zi-based Zephyr tests) in Please verify if that resolves...
Hi @sand7000, thanks for reporting the issue. As you can see in the log, there are a lot of UART interactions being ignored because the device is in the disabled...
We've recently reduced the size of Renode packages, hope this resolves the issue.
You can also use hook to change execution mode of the CPU at given address: ``` cpu AddHook 0x80009000 "self.ExecutionMode = Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU.ExecutionMode.SingleStepNonBlocking" ``` This will make CPU stop at `0x80009000`...
@admorgan, thanks for more details. FTR, starting Renode with the use of `renode-keywords.robot` is not an option we normally use (this logic is now handled by the `renode-test` script). Having...
Hi @ItamarEliakim-R, thanks for opening the issue. Could you create a CI setup based on our [reproduction template]( We provide a support for STM32 DMA controller models in Renode already,...
Hi @ChaseWeimer, thanks for asking the question. The generic `RiscV32` model supports standard `User/Supervisor/Hypervisor/Machine Software/Timer/External` interrupt signals as defined by the RISC-V specification. In Renode it is possible to support...