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Reference endpoint
- [ ] An endpoint to return either (a) BibTeX strings or (b) formatted references for a given mp-id (see
- [ ] Return DOIs for references
- [ ] Check if article is open access using open access API (lower priority), e.g. see https://openaccessbutton.org/api
Previously, to format references I was using:
ref_markdown = PybtexEngine().format_from_string(
bibtex_string, style="unsrt", output_backend="markdown"
# use Crossref to retrieve pre-formatted text
# remove leading "1. " from Science CSL style
refs = {
doi: content_negotiation(ids=doi, format="text", style="science")[
for doi in dois_to_item.keys()
And to retrieve I was using habanero
cr = Crossref(mailto=CROSSREF_MAILTO)
individual_references = set()
for references in all_references:
# exclude Materials Proect references (these are intended to be
# references for the structure specifically)
refs_to_remove = set()
for ref in individual_references:
if "Jain2013" in ref:
individual_references -= refs_to_remove
works = [cr.works(query=ref, limit=1) for ref in individual_references]
self.logger.debug(f"Retrieved {len(works)} works from Crossref.")
items = [
for work in works
if len(work["message"]["items"]) > 0
dois_to_item = {
item["DOI"]: {
"cited-by": item.get("is-referenced-by-count", 0),
"score": item["score"],
"title": item.get("title", None),
"authors": item.get("author", []),
"journal": item.get("container-title", [None])[0],
"issue": item.get("issue", None),
"volume": item.get("volume", None),
"pages": item.get("page", None),
"date-parts": item.get("issued", {}).get("date-parts", [[None]]),
for item in items
if item["score"] > 40
num_refs = len(dois_to_item)
sorted_dois = sorted(
key=lambda doi: -dois_to_item[doi]["cited-by"],
Current endpoint only returns raw bibtex strings and does not provide formatted references.
Added a builder to populate the cross ref data https://github.com/materialsproject/emmet/pull/133