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Materials Knowledge System in Python
PrimitiveTransformer is multiplying the size of the image (depending on the number of phases). Is this the most efficient way to perform MKS workflow?
I had a large case study with random microstructures( generated with da.random) and parallel workflow worked pretty well. Now I am working on a [case study ]( pymks.generate and I...
Just using this workflow creates way more subtasks then is necessary, ``` x_data1 = PrimitiveTransformer(n_state=2, min_=0.0, max_=1.0).fit(x_data).transform(x_data) correlations = TwoPointCorrelation(periodic_boundary=True, cutoff=21, correlations=[(0,0),(1,1)]) x_data2 = x_data2.chunks x_data2.visualize() ``` If `x_data.chunks`...
`da.stack` doesn't do what we want with chunking in [`correlations_multiple`]( ``` import dask.array as da arr = np.arange(24).reshape((4, 6)) darr = da.from_array(arr, chunks=(2, 6)) out = da.stack((darr, darr), axis=-1) ```...
Error when trying to pip install in python 3.12.0. Same error as reported here:
"Hello, I have installed version 0.4.1 of PyMKS. However, when I try to use solve_fe and run the composite stiffness calculation example, I encounter the following error. Could you please...
It looks like Sfepy has changed its API between version 2022.1 and 2022.3. Need to fix.
Hi, When the script is run with the functions "PrimitiveBasis( )", "MKSHomogenizationModel( )", and etc., it keeps giving me the error messages as the following: Warning (from warnings module): File...
If i have a 2 point statistics data or 2 point spatial correlation can i reconstruct the micro structure with it using pymks?
Hi, I have been attempting to run the "Effective Stiffness of Fiber Composite" introductory notebook and I continue to encounter an error when running the below cell: y_stress = solve_fe(x_data,...