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Materials Knowledge System in Python
Investigate the efficiency of the new release for both homogenization and localization using a large data set. Include at lease on example that requires downloading large data and running it...
Rename pymks to - MatML (already taken by another package I think) - Ma-di ??? (Microstructure descriptors ???) - MatMaL (Materials Machine Learning) or MatMaLe - MiDeE [mi-di] - Microstructure...
Try out Hypothesis testing,
Composite material consists of three components: the fibers as the discontinuous or dispersed phase, the matrix as the continuous phase, and. the fine interphase region, also known as the interface...
Code for plotting correlations with pyvista ``` import pyvista as pv import numpy as np pv.set_plot_theme("document") data = np.load('corr.npy') print(data.shape) values = data[0, :22, :22, :22, 4] # Create the...
I just wanted to discuss the memory usage issue with [ this ]( notebook. When chunk size is above 25 ( >250 mb), a single worker gets to 6.3 GB...
Correlations cannot be masked. This is essential such that low confidence microstructure information can be excluded from n-point statistics calculation.