material-components-flutter copied to clipboard
Type scale generator uses wrong caption
The dart code for the Type scale generator should use right caption for these fonts.
Wrong: GoogleFonts.iBMPlexSans()
Correct: GoogleFonts.ibmPlexSans()
Same for all:
Alegreya Sans SC
Alegreya SC
Almendra SC
Carrois Gothic SC
Cormorant SC
DM Mono
DM Sans
DM Serif Display
DM Serif Text
EB Garamond
Holtwood One SC
IBM Plex Mono
IBM Plex Sans
IBM Plex Sans Condensed
IBM Plex Serif
IM Fell Double Pica
IM Fell Double Pica SC
IM Fell DW Pica
IM Fell DW Pica SC
IM Fell English
IM Fell English SC
IM Fell French Canon
IM Fell French Canon SC
IM Fell Great Primer
IM Fell Great Primer SC
Marcellus SC
Mate SC
Old Standard TT
Playfair Display SC
PT Mono
PT Sans
PT Sans Caption
PT Sans Narrow
PT Serif
PT Serif Caption
Spectral SC
Vollkorn SC
Funny fact:
ABeeZee works great.
ABeeZee -> aBeeZee
also noticed that only Noto Sans is available.
Noto Sans HK
Noto Sans JP
Noto Sans KR
Noto Sans SC
Noto Sans TC
Noto Serif JP
Noto Serif KR
Noto Serif SC
Noto Serif TC
And generator doesn't work for GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic
I choose these fonts at Type scale generator, but state doesn't change