Just not work. Nothing happens. I have tried with this: new TableExport(document.getElementsByTagName("table"));
@jerrywithaz awesome work! In case I want to use directives to validate a user has authorization to access to a query/mutation base on his role, should I implement this logic...
someone could check this to merge this PR?
@farman-td could you share how did you do to open the camera in full screen? Thanks.
@rishabhgoel9797 you can add a parent div to carousel and modify pagination position with: ` .divparentclass .VueCarousel-pagination { position: absolute; display: block; } `
I solved this way: ``` // resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery'); . . . require('air-datepicker'); // Datepicker.vue export default { data() { return {}; }, props: { value: {...
Hi, I am trying to export a pdf file but when I add @api.produces(["application/pdf"]) I got error "AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'produces'". flask-restplus==0.10.1 Do you know about this...
I created this library to be able to swap elements
@koraykupe I've tried to do it but I did't find a solution. Could you share what plugin you're using?
@aximobile how did you solve it? removing only the if statement? did you keep these two lines? ``` getStorage(INIT_SERVICE).clear(); rsa.createKeyPair(getContext(), alias, userAuthenticationValidityDuration); ``` Thanks!!