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symbols removed from nerdfonts
it seems like those missing symbols got removed from nerdfonts with an update. is there a fix for this?
I guess it's the hidden symbol that's missing, try to set this in your config (and choose a symbol you like instead of H
require 'jabs'.setup {
symbols = {
hidden = "H",
thanks jeff-dh for the quick reply. if found a workaround: i installed the (old) v2.3.3 version of Symbols only nerd font and created the following file in ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<family>RobotoMono Nerd Font</family>
<family>RobotoMono Nerd Font</family>
<family>Symbols NFM</family>
so when my terminal is using robotomono nerd font and the symbol is not available, it uses the old symbols nfm font as fallback
I just installed the plugin myself and see only little squares in the first column. In some article it was mentioned that nerd-fonts < 3.0 used a certain set of codepoints that was reserved for other purposes and is now discarded from the library.
I just updated my terminal config (alacritty) to use the nerdfont (downloaded with my packagemanager xbps) with name "family: InconsolataGo Nerd Font Mono". To list all available fonts I used:
$> fc-list | grep 'ttf*Nerd' | sort | bat
I looked for a "hidden" icon with the search function of nerdfonts website and copied the icon-symbol (utf: f0613)
I followed the instruction above and pasted the symbol in place of the H-char. Now it works :)
I also tried to insert the UTF-literal instead of the icon-symbol but that was not easy with the Lua syntax, I gave up.