
Results 24 issues of matamune94

you can share a line code like this example in i want know how can change order ?

I make error : ``` Error: Error thrown in execution script: e is not defined. Stack: ReferenceError: e is not defined at :4:44 at :4:76 at :20:3 at ```...

I need to save the pages in the specified path. like: '/' , '/post/', '/post/.*' Once offline you can use the saved paths to continue using.

I found a piece of code that is difficult to understand ``` if (roles === LOGGED_USER) { if (user.role !== 'admin' && req.params.userId !== user._id.toString()) { apiError.status = httpStatus.FORBIDDEN apiError.message...

Like title, how add socket Io is better ?

i use nuxt js and have this bug : ![](

This bug: ``` E/EGL_emulation(30458): tid 30477: swapBuffers(514): error 0x300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE) E/EGL_emulation(30458): egl_window_surface_t::swapBuffers called with NULL buffer E/EGL_emulation(30458): tid 30477: swapBuffers(514): error 0x300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE) E/EGL_emulation(30458): egl_window_surface_t::swapBuffers called with NULL buffer E/EGL_emulation(30458):...

im use nuxt my plugins ``` import Vue from 'vue' import VueLazyload from 'vue-lazyload' Vue.use({ install () { Vue.prototype.destroy = Vue.prototype.$destroy } }) Vue.use(VueLazyload, { lazyComponent: true }) ``` nuxt.config...

hi, i use n-link in carouse , when click on link try drag right or left and mouse up, It automatically jumps to another page, how can fix ? my...

Does anyone have any solution?