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interpretation of confidence intervals including zero
Hello, thanks for the great package. I had a question about partial R^2 interpretation, particularly when the 'partR2' command returns a partial Rsquared value for a variable of known importance with a confidence interval that includes zero. Below is an example output. My issue is that 'Variable1' is a significant predictor in the lmer model, and also comes out as a highly significant variable in a likelihood ratio test. However, the lower CI for the partial Rsquared includes zero. Is the interpretation here that this variable does not explain a significant amount of the variation in the outcome?
Thanks for any info you can provide.
R2 (marginal) and 95% CI for the full model:
R2 CI_lower CI_upper nboot ndf
0.3748 0.3378 0.425 1000 24
Part (semi-partial) R2:
Predictor(s) R2 CI_lower CI_upper nboot ndf
Model 0.3748 0.3378 0.4250 1000 24
Age 0.1852 0.1406 0.2449 1000 23
Sex 0.0073 0.0000 0.0797 1000 23
Variable1 0.0367 0.0000 0.1069 1000 23
Age+Sex 0.1977 0.1544 0.2565 1000 22
Age+Variable1 0.2468 0.2054 0.3030 1000 22
Sex+Variable1 0.0451 0.0000 0.1148 1000 22
Age+Sex+Variable1 0.2604 0.2197 0.3162 1000 21
This is really an interpretation issue and my feeling is what matters here a lot is the biological background and question. Variable1 only explains 3.7% of the variation, which doesn't seem to be a lot. In partR2, we use parametric bootstrapping to calculate the CIs, which simulates new response vectors from the model, refits the model for the new response vector and re-calculates part R2. That the CI includes 0 simply means that for more than 2.5% of those models, the R2 for Variable1 was 0. This is not a significance test, and I also wouldn't interpret it as one. It simply gives you a sense of the variation of the R2. Also, it's not unusual to have a highly significant variable with a low R2. Hope that helps!
This is perfect, thanks so much!