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[FEATURE] Figma design assets?

Open jverkoey opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

I'm not sure how Mastadon is designed in general, but I was curious if there might be a Figma library for the Mastadon iOS client already? If not, that's something I'd be interested in helping put together to make it easier to mock up design ideas.

jverkoey avatar Nov 13 '22 07:11 jverkoey

There is a Figma, but it is not yet public, though there is definitely an intent in the long-term to make it public. We work with the design agency Lickability for all UX design matters.

Gargron avatar Nov 13 '22 07:11 Gargron

Ah cool! Open source design seems like a somewhat not fully defined process, but I'd be open to contributing if there's intent to open it up at some point!

jverkoey avatar Nov 13 '22 07:11 jverkoey

Super cool to hear that there are plans to open it up. I'd also be interested to contribute as a designer - both in UX & UI.

eszter007 avatar Nov 20 '22 18:11 eszter007