react-native-action-button copied to clipboard
ActionButton not able click in button, only action is hppening in left cornner , how to make full ActionButton clickable
<ActionButton buttonColor={} position={'left'} spacing={10} activeOpacity={1} > <ActionButton.Item buttonColor={} title="RND" textStyle={{ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'bold' }} onPress={() => this.RNDAction()} > <Icon name="md-car" style={styles.actionButtonIcon} /> </ActionButton.Item> </ActionButton>
When ActionButton overlap with other element ActionButton Item is not visible. So i give zindex as 9999. After set zindex for my ActionButtonContainer ActionButton item is visible now .But ActionButton item onpress event is not working.
<View style={{flex:1, backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3',zIndex:9999}}> {/* Rest of the app comes ABOVE the action button component !*/} <ActionButton buttonColor="rgba(231,76,60,1)"> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor='#9b59b6' title="New Task" onPress={() => console.log("notes tapped!")}> <Icon name="md-create" style={styles.actionButtonIcon} /> </ActionButton.Item> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor='#3498db' title="Notifications" onPress={() => {}}> <Icon name="md-notifications-off" style={styles.actionButtonIcon} /> </ActionButton.Item> <ActionButton.Item buttonColor='#1abc9c' title="All Tasks" onPress={() => {}}> <Icon name="md-done-all" style={styles.actionButtonIcon} /> </ActionButton.Item> </ActionButton> </View>
I got the same issue, any updates?
unwrap the action button component from the view and it will work fine on both ios and android