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Create reusable and extensible styled elements in one line


Create reusable and extensible styled elements in one line

NPM Version NPM package ( download / month ) Discord online Follow @mastercorg Github release actions


Vanilla, Next, React, Vue, Tailwind CSS, and Master CSS are available:

  • ⚑️ Ultra-lightweight ~1.5KB, powered by Proxy
  • πŸ›‘οΈ Type safety
  • 🌈 Dynamically change styles based on properties
  • πŸ’« Re-expand existing elements, like NextLink
  • 🧩 Compatible with server and client components
  • πŸͺ„ Built-in first-class clsx handling


😰 Before: Creating a simple styled element using a FunctionalComponent is unpleasant.

function Button(props) {
    return (
        <button {...props} className={"inline-flex font:14" + (props.className ? ' ' + props.className : '')}>

πŸ₯³ After: It's in one line and ~80% code less.

import styled from '@master/styled.react' // or .vue

const Button = styled.button`inline-flex font:14`

Apply it as usual:

export default function App() {
    return (
        <Button className="uppercase">submit</Button>

It will be rendered as:

<button class="inline-flex font:14 uppercase">submit</button>

Getting Started

Install the package depending on your framework:


npm install class-variant
import cv from 'class-variant'

const btn = cv(...params)
const btn = cv`...` // or

btn(props) // -> string


npm install @master/styled.react
import styled from '@master/styled.react'

const Button = styled.button(...params)
const Button = styled.button`...` // or

<Button {...props}>


npm install @master/styled.vue
import styled from '@master/styled.vue'

const Button = styled.button(...params)
const Button = styled.button`...` // or

<Button {...props}>

Basic usage

Create a styled element

Declared in two ways: function or template literal, and parameters inherit all features of clsx.

const Element = styled.div`flex text:center`
const Element = styled.div('flex text:center') // or

return (
    <Element className="uppercase">Hello World</Element>
<div class="flex text:center uppercase">Hello World</div>

Apply based on predefined variants

Predefine the class variant corresponding to the property.

const Button = styled.button('flex', {
    $size: {
        sm: 'font:12 size:8x',
        md: 'font:14 size:12x'
    disabled: 'opacity:.5',

return (
    <Button $size="sm" disabled />
<button class="flex font:12 size:8x opacity:.5" disabled></button>

⚠️ Custom properties that are not element-owned properties must be prefixed with $prop, otherwise they will be reflected on the final element and an error may be thrown.

You can set default properties for elements.

Button.defaultProps = {
    $size: 'md'

return (
    <Button />
<button class="font:14 size:12x"></button>

Apply based on function properties

Dynamically apply class names based on function properties.

const Element = styled.div('fg:white',
    ({ $color }) => $color && `bg:${$color}`

return (
    <Element $color="blue" />
<div class="inline-flex text:center fg:white bg:blue"></div>

Apply based on matching properties

Applies the target class name matching all specified property keys and their values.

const Button = styled.button('inline-flex',
    ['uppercase', { $intent: 'primary', $size: 'md' }]

return (
    <Button $intent="primary">Not matched</button>
    <Button $size="md">Not matched</button>
    <Button $intent="primary" $size="md">Matched</button>
<button class="inline-flex">Not matched</button>
<button class="inline-flex">Not matched</button>
<button class="inline-flex uppercase">Matched</button>


Extend a styled element

Extend an existing styled element and add additional classes or conditions.

const A = styled.p('a')
const B = styled.p(A)`b`

return (
<p class="a">A</p>
<p class="a b">B</p>

It also supports client components, taking Next.js’s Link as an example:

'use client'

import styled from '@master/styled.react';
import Link from 'next/link';

const Button = styled(Link)`inline-flex text:center`

return (

⚠️ If the extended target contains client components, the 'use client' directive is required.

Change an element's tag name

Changing the original tag name of an element, such as <button> to <a>. Left empty '' even if there are no additional classes.

const Button = styled.button('inline-flex')
const Link = styled.a(Button)``

return (
    <Link href="#example">link</Link>
<button class="inline-flex">button</button>
<a class="inline-flex" href="#example">link</a>

Extend multiple styled elements

Extend multiple style elements at once.

const A = styled.p`a`
const B = styled.p`b`
const C = styled.p`c`
const D = styled(A)(B)(C)`d`

return (
<p class="a">A</p>
<p class="b">B</p>
<p class="c">C</p>
<p class="a b c d">D</p>


declare type Props = {
    $size: 'sm' | 'md'

const Button = styled.button<Props>('flex', {
    $size: {
        sm: 'font:12 size:8x',
        md: 'font:14 size:12x'
    disabled: 'opacity:.5'

Overview class-variant APIs

import cv from 'class-variant'

const btn = cv(
    'inline-flex rounded',
        intent: {
            primary: 'bg:blue fg:white bg:blue-60:hover',
            secondary: 'bg:white fg:slate-30 bg:slate-90:hover',
        size: {
            sm: 'text:14 p:5|15',
            md: 'text:16 p:10|25'
    ['uppercase', { intent: 'primary', size: 'md' }],
    ({ indent, size }) => indent && size && 'font:semibold'

btn.default = {
    intent: 'primary',
    size: 'sm'

// inline-flex rounded bg:blue fg:white bg:blue-55:hover text:14 p:5|8 font:semibold

btn({ indent: 'secondary', size: 'sm' })
// inline-flex rounded bg:white fg:slate-30 bg:slate-90:hover text:14 p:5|8 font:semibold

btn({ indent: 'primary', size: 'md' })
// inline-flex rounded bg:blue fg:white bg:blue-55:hover text:16 p:10|25 uppercase font:semibold


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Please see our CONTRIBUTING for workflow.


Some of our core concepts and designs are inspired by these giants.

  • Template Literal - The use of template literals as syntactic sugar for reusing components is inspired by Styled Components.