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Erlang performance and debugging tools
stated in changelog, but no git tag
Please, update Eper in hex.pm to the last version. Thanks.
I am pretty new at Erlang. It would be great if you could add some documentation to sherk, gperf and redbug. I could do it you point me to some...
A simple eunit test case causes an error in redbug ``` erlang rb_test() -> {_, _} = redbug:start("lists:sort->stack", [{print_file, "redbug.txt"}]), timer:sleep(2000), ?assertEqual([1,2,3], lists:sort([3,2,1])), redbug:stop(). ``` ``` =ERROR REPORT==== 4-Feb-2014::15:04:28 ===...
Hi @massemanet Would you be able to fix the new strict [float checking]([Erlang/OTP 27, +0.0 will no longer be exactly equal to -0.0](https://erlangforums.com/t/in-erlang-otp-27-0-0-will-no-longer-be-exactly-equal-to-0-0/2586))? Eper can't compile anymore with Erlang 26.1...