I never encountered broken JSON. If there was a problem with JSON, it was always encoding-related and could be solved with running it through `iconv` before running it through miller....
> For CSV `mlr -k` will continue on header/data length mismatch errors; this is good. Isn't this the same as `--allow-ragged-csv-input` ? > * For double-quote imbalances where there's an...
My bash skills are rather limited. The easyest way would probably be to provide an additonoal variable like `CHECK_REMOTE_HOSTNAME` where one could manually specify the host to check against. This...
still present in 3.4.4.stable
Yes, I know flapping but it does not solve the issue. Flapping looks at how many state changes happened and compares this to the number of checks done. Most of...
This is a semantic problem. If a test results in "DOWN" then it is considered a "soft down" and the test is repeated for "Max Check Attempts" times until Centreon...
We would like to use Meza as an intranet wiki. The default installation is a litte over the top for our needs. Is there a way to _not_ install all...