FaceSVG copied to clipboard
Created SVG is practically uneditable
The SVG output created by this plugin seems to be practically useless for anything other the Shaper Origin purpose it was originally created for. This is understandable, but I was hoping for something more useful...
My use case is to print a 2D to-scale graphic of the face of my model so that I can (manually, with scissors) cut the shape out from a flat material. For this, I want to take the exported SVG and open it up in Inkscape to convert the solid-filled areas to outlines that are easier to trace and remove some unnecissary details, then print out the result.
Unfortunately, when I open the file in Inkscape, it's not just a simple set of SVG paths with stroke and fill, it's set up as fairly huge lines (1 or 2 inches thick) with transformation matrices and the "non-scaling-stroke" vector effect applied to make them look sensible on screen. Still, with a bit of effort I can make something that looks "ok" in Inkscape, only to find that printing or exporting the SVG results in nonsense (e.g. those 1 or 2 inch thick lines printing at full size).
Is it possible to have an option to export a "simple" SVG, rather than something that seems to be tailored only for Shaper Origin's use? Or is there a tool I can use to "simplify" the output to make it usable for my purpose? Or maybe there's something I can do within Inkscape to improve its ability to properly understand/export the SVG?
I've attached the raw FaceSVG export, the file after my attempt at modification in Inkscape and the resulting PDF export.
FaceSVG Output.svg Inkscape Edit.svg PDF Export.pdf
EDIT: My current workaround is the export the original SVG as a high-resolution PNG, then import this into a new file in Inkscape and trace it back to a path. This works, but is obviously less than ideal...