I'm open to updating documentation to make this clearer, hence I'll leave this issue open.
Does this help? https://github.com/periph/cmd/blob/main/gpio-read/main.go
Good idea!
You mention Connect, you mean https://pkg.go.dev/periph.io/x/conn/v3/uart#Port ? I'm confused because you refer to 1-wire but the 1-wire API doesn't have a Connect() function; https://pkg.go.dev/periph.io/x/conn/v3/onewire This is because UART is a...
Oh ok so it would work over UART instead of I2C like https://pkg.go.dev/periph.io/x/devices/v3/ds248x does?
Reference for myself: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/i2c/smbus-protocol.html
Small note; `"periph.io/x/host/v3/pmem"`
Could you contribute one? If you want the headers, you could create a directory orangepi and use https://github.com/periph/host/tree/main/pine64 as an inspiration, then send a PR.
Even if the pinout is not supported, you can still use sysfs driver as a fallback. I'm happy to have more memory registered driver! I don't have one to develop...
Hi! Thanks for the contribution! Sorry I dropped it in my emails. Frankly, I think I'd prefer to just switch to Mode0 and not make it an option. What is...